

Gordon, J.R., Fiannaca, A.J., Kneisel, M., Cutrell, E., Miller, A., & González-Franco, M. (2023). Hearing the Way Forward: Exploring Ambient Navigational Awareness with Reduced Cognitive Load through Spatial Audio-AR. Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


Froehlich, J.E., Eisenberg, Y., Hosseini, M., Miranda, F., Adams, M., Caspi, A., Dieterich, H., Feldner, H.A., Gonzalez, A., De Gyves, C., Hammel, J., Kirkham, R., Kneisel, M., Labbé, D., Mooney, S.J., Pineda, V.S., Pinhao, C.F., Rodriguez, A.P., Saha, M., Saugstad, M., Shanley, J.L., Sharif, A., Shen, Q., Silva, C.T., Sukel, M., Tokuda, E.K., Zappe, S., & Zivarts, A. (2022). The Future of Urban Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Data Collection, Analytics, Policy, and Tools. Proceedings of the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.

Liu, T., Hernandez, J., Franco, M.G., Maselli, A., Kneisel, M., Glass, A., Chudge, J., Miller, A. (2022). Characterizing and Predicting Engagement of Blind and Low-Vision People with an Audio-Based Navigation App. Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


Vaishnav, K., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., Karlson, A., Cutrell, E., Morris, M.R. (2020). Understanding In-Situ Use of Commonly Available Navigation Technologies by People with Visual Impairments. Proceedings of the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.


Saha, M., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. (2019) Closing the Gap: Designing for the Last-Few-Meters Wayfinding Problem for People with Visual Impairments. Proceedings of the ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility.

Ross, A.S., Cutrell, E., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., and Morris, M.R. (2019). Use Cases and Impact of Audio-Based Virtual Exploration. Position Paper of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Workshop on Hacking Blind Navigation.


Gleason, C., Fiannaca, A., Kneisel, M., Cutrell, E., and Morris, M.R. (2018). FootNotes: Geo-referenced Audio Annotations for Nonvisual Exploration. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technology.